The problems from this week are pretty challenging. If you are feeling stuck on a problem ask for a hint or for help.
First observation: if an problem road is in a path of a different problem road to 1, then it won’t be considered.
Root the tree on vertex 1 and come up with a dynamic programming solution to find how many nodes have some problem road on their subtree. Then add all the problem roads that have no problem roads on their subtree.
There are a few cases to consider depending on the relative value of da to db. Analyze them to come up with the answer. There is one tricky case, which is when 2da is greater than or equal to the diameter of the tree. If you don’t know what this is or how to efficiently compute it, read Chapter 14.2 of the Competitive Programmer’s Handbook.
The problem looks very hard at a glance, but the idea is to use the following observation: suppose M is the MST of the graph. If (u, v) is an edge in M, then the answer for this edge is the weight of M. Otherwise, the answer is MST minus the heaviest edge in the path from u to v in the MST, plus the weight of (u, v). To efficiently find the heaviest edge in the path from u to v in the MST you can use a LCA (lowest common ancestor) algorithm (modified to include maximum weights). If you have never heard of this concept, read the cp-algorithms article on binary lifting.
Two observations:
Use this observation to come up with a dp algorithm to compute which nodes will be “repeats” of the 2k-1 upperbound.
Good luck :)