Spooooky Contest

Week 7 (October 28)

Halloween is next week, so to celebrate it we are having a special Spoooky Constest. This is open to everyone (including new comers!). To make things interesting we will have some prizes for the top 3. To make things even more interesting we will have an handicap to level the playing field, meaning that even beginners will have a chance to win.

Contest Rules

The contest is an upsolving contest. Upsolving means solving problems after the end of a contest, which is essential to improve at competitive programming (and indeed, to improve at problem solving in general).

So the rules are simple:

Here are the list of past contests (tip: try to solve more recent problems first):


We have prizes for the 3 students with the most points. In the event of ties the tiebreaker is the number of problems solved before the contest (so all problems from the Princeton ICPC Group solved in the past). Here is the list of prizes:

We’ll also have the usual free food and extra Halloween candy.

