Fall 24 - Learn Division Week 7

Welcome to the seventh week of competitive programming of the Fall of 2024! Today’s problem solving session will be about graphs and graph search. Read the introduction below before getting started.

Before reading a problem, read its accompanying description available below. Work through the problems one by one, i.e. don’t try working on B before solving A, C before solving A, etc.

But first, if this is your first time ever in one of our competitive programming sessions, please follow the instruction on our new introduction guide to get started. Once you’re done, feel free to come back here.

Problem set link.


The following problems are all problems on graph search of increasing difficulty. The first two are more direct applications of the depth-first search and breadth-first search algorithms you know, with a small twist. The last two problems are less direct and require a bit more creativity. Your goal should be to solve at least one of the first two problems, but the more problems you solve the more you’ll get out of this.

I recommend you start by reading problem A and think about how you’d go about solving it. If you are stuck or don’t really know what to do, start by reading the hints below. If you are still stuck ask for help! Once you have an idea of what to do, try to implement a solution. Test it with the sample test cases and try to submit (you can submit as many times as you want). Once you get A accepted, progress to B, then C and so on.

If you want a quick refresher on DFS and BFS, I recommend reading chapter 12 of this competitive programming book. The example code is in C++, but it should be easy to read if you know Java (the only thing you need to know is that in C++ a vector is a resizing array, everything else is self-explanatory).

Problem A. Cycle Detection

Start by creating an adjacency list and populate it with the edges from the input. You don’t have to create a whole graph or digraph class from scratch (you can if you want to, but for this problem it’s overkill), but an array of ArrayLists should work.

Now you can use a DFS to detect cycles. Think about how to do it first before looking for more hints.

The key idea is to add an additional active[] array that keeps track of nodes whose exploration has begun but not finished. As we perform a DFS, if we find an edge adjacent to an active node that indicates we found a cycle.

Problem B. Escaping The Maze

This problem might not look to be a graph problem at first glance, but there is an implicit unweighted graph represented by the grid, where vertices are cells and edges are moves. You want to calculate a shortest path in this graph, so you can use a BFS to do so. Now, there are two possible approaches to this problem.

The first one is to convert this implicit graph in to an actual graph (i.e. an adjacency list). We need to be a bit careful about the boost move since we can only use it once, but one common trick we can apply is having two copies of the graph representing the grid: one where we haven’t used the boost move and one where we have. In addition to the normal edges, we can have edges from the first graph to the second representing using the move.

The second one is to work with the implicit graph. We represent each vertex as a triple: a column coordinate, a line coordinate and a bit representing whether or not we’ve used the boost (which in the previous example is like indicating which copy of the graph are we in). Given a vertex (i.e. a column/line/bit triple), we can easily determine what the adjacent vertices are. So we can use this to perform a BFS without having to actually store adjacency lists.

Both options are perfectly fine, but it is recommended you try the second one, because it is slightly more efficient and it’s more general (there are some problems where creating the explicit graph from the implicit one isn’t a good idea).

Problem C. New Year Transportation

Much like problem B, this problem presents us with an implicit graph. Cells are vertices and edges are portals. We want to determine if we can go from vertex 1 to vertex t, so this is a reachability problem, which we can solve with a DFS or a BFS. A DFS is simpler to implement, so we recommend using that option. Also, we again can either create the explicit graph from the implicit, or just work with the implicit one. The latter option is recommended.

Problem D. Fox And Names

This problem really doesn’t look like a graph problem at all, but it actually is! First, a lexicographical order of the letters is just some permutation of the letters that induces a relative order between them. We want to find one such that the words in the input are in sorted order.

If a word S comes before a word T, then this means there is some condition that the lexicographical order has to satisfy. Suppose the first letter they differ one is a c for S and an a for T, for example perhaps S = abcmn and T = abaz. Because S comes before T, this means that c has to come before a. We can find all of these dependencies by looking at all pairs of words.

How do we now find a lexicographical order? It’s a topological order on the graph induced by letters and dependencies on them! Build a directed graph where vertices are letters and there is an edge between two vertices v and u if v has to come before u. Determine if there are cycles in the graph, if so then there are circular dependencies and the answer is “impossible”. Otherwise, find a topological order and print the corresponding letters.