Fall 24 - Learn Division Week 10

Welcome to the tenth week of competitive programming of the Fall of 2024! Today’s problem solving session will be about greedy algorithms! Read the introduction below before getting started.

Before reading a problem, read its accompanying description available below. Work through the problems one by one, i.e. don’t try working on B before solving A, C before solving A, etc.

But first, if this is your first time ever in one of our competitive programming sessions, please follow the instruction on our new introduction guide to get started. Once you’re done, feel free to come back here.

Problem set link.


Much like dynamic programming, this week’s topic isn’t a specific algorithm, but a paradigm that can be applied to some problems. The key idea is the following heuristic approach: make the locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum. Obviously this doesn’t work for all sorts of problems, but when it does the algorithm is often quite simple. So the science (art?) of solving a problem using a greedy method is in identifying that the problem is solvable by a greedy method. This is really hard to do in general, the only way to do that is by seeing lots of problems and noticing different patterns, so that’s what you’ll do today. All the problems from today’s session are solvable by a greedy algorithm. Spend some time thinking about it and look at the hints if you are stuck. Also, you might want to read chapter 6 of this book for an introduction to some well-known examples of problems with greedy solutions.

Problem A. The number on the board

If you have to replace a digit with a different digit, might as well set it to the largest possible digit (9), since that increases the sum as much as possible. You if you have to pick a digit to replace, might as well replace the smallest digit first, since that will increase the sum by the most possible.

Problem B. Tea Party

“Every cup will contain tea for at least half of its volume”, this condition is hard so try to minimally satisfy it first (so fill up every cup with the minimal amount of tea possible to satisfy it). If you can, now if you fill up the largest cup with the remaining tea, does anyone get unsatisfied? If you have tea left, if you fill up the second largest cup, does anyone get unsatisfied?

Problem C. Heidi and Library

The key thing in this problem is deciding how to solve the following situation: there are k books in the library and we need to discard one to replace it with a new one, which book should we discard? If there is a book you won’t need anymore in the future (by looking at the future requests), might as well get rid of that. If there is no such book, what about the book you won’t need for the longest time?

Problem D. Most socially-distanced subsequence

Think about the simpler case when the sequence is increasing or always decreasing. What would the solution be in that case? Once you solve this simpler case, what if the solution is always increasing, except for one index of the array? If you solve these two cases you should be able to generalize it to a solution for all possible sequences.